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10 Fun Tricks to Teach Your Russian Blue Cat

Do you have a Russian Blue cat at home? Are you looking for a way to bond with your feline friend and show off their impressive skills to your friends and family? Well, you’re in luck! Russian Blues are not only known for their gorgeous blue-grey coat and striking green eyes, but they are also intelligent and trainable creatures.


Fun Tricks to Teach Your Russian Blue Cat

Play and Train your Russian Blues

In this article, we’ll show you 10 fun tricks to teach your Russian Blue cat. You may be thinking, “Wait a minute, are Russian Blues easy to train?” The answer is yes! With some patience, repetition, and plenty of treats, your furry friend can become a master of these fun tricks. So, let’s get started!

  1. High Five:

Let’s start with an easy one. The high five! Hold a treat above your cat’s head, and when they reach up to grab it, gently tap their paw and say “high five.” After a few repetitions, your cat will start raising their paw on command like a pro!

  1. Spin:

Teaching your cat to spin is not only impressive, but it’s also a great workout for their mind and body. Hold a treat in front of their nose and lure them in a circular motion, saying “spin” as they follow the treat. Reward them with a treat when they complete a full spin.

  1. Jump:

Got a bored cat? Teach them how to jump through a hoop or over an obstacle. Hold a treat on the other side of the hoop or obstacle and say “jump” as they leap through. With practice, your cat will be jumping like a circus performer in no time.

  1. Shake:

The classic shake trick is a fan favorite. Hold a treat in front of your cat and gently take their paw when they reach for it. Say “shake” and reward them with a treat. It’s a great way to show off your cat’s polite manners to your guests.

  1. Roll Over:

This trick takes a bit more patience and practice, but it’s worth it. Use a treat to lure your cat onto their side and say “roll over” as you guide them onto their back. Reward them with a treat when they complete a full roll over.

  1. Play Dead:

The play dead trick is a bit of a showstopper. Use a treat to lure your cat onto their back and say “play dead.” When they lay still, reward them with a treat. Your cat will look like a Hollywood starlet pretending to faint in a dramatic scene.

  1. Sit Up:

Want your cat to have better posture? Teach them how to sit up. Hold a treat above their head and say “sit up.” When they raise their paws off the ground, reward them with a treat. Your cat will be sitting up tall and proud like a circus lion.

  1. Target Training:

Target training is a great way to teach your cat more complex tricks. Use a target stick or a pen to guide your cat to touch a specific spot with their paw or nose. Reward them with a treat when they successfully touch the target.

  1. Find It:

Do you want to give your cat a fun scavenger hunt? Hide a treat in a designated spot and say “find it.” Guide your cat to the spot and reward them with the treat. It’s a great way to keep your cat mentally stimulated and entertained.

  1. Fetch:

Teaching your cat to fetch is not only impressive, but it’s also a great way to get some exercise. Use a small toy or a crumpled piece of paper as a prop and toss it across the room. Encourage your cat to chase after it and bring it back to you. Reward them with a treat when they return it to you.

Russian Blue cat training

Can Russian Blues be Trained to do Tricks?

Absolutely! With a bit of patience, consistency, and lots of positive reinforcement, your Russian Blue cat can become a master of these fun and impressive tricks. Plus, teaching your cat tricks is a great way to bond with them and provide them with some mental and physical stimulation.

Remember, every cat is unique, and some may take longer to learn these tricks than others. Be patient, and don’t get discouraged if your cat doesn’t catch on right away. Keep training sessions short and positive, and soon enough, your cat will be showing off their new skills to everyone they meet.

In conclusion, teaching your Russian Blue cat tricks is a fun and rewarding experience for both you and your furry friend. So, grab some treats, get creative, and watch your cat become the star of the show!


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