Russian Blue Kittens | Via Emilia | Netherlands

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Russian Blue Kittens Breed Сlass

Russian Blue for Breeding

​​Russian Blue for breeding in the breed class

Have you decided to buy a Russian Blue kitten for breeding? Indeed, you’ve made a commendable choice. With its enchanting beauty and unique personality traits, the Russian Blue stands out among feline breeds. Embarking on the journey of breeding these lovely cats requires careful selection, most importantly choosing a cat from the breed class, from a reputable breeder.

Why the breed class?

Russian Blue kittens are traditionally categorized into three classes: show, breed, and pet. The show class represents purebred animals bred from purebred parents, primarily intended for exhibitions. They command the highest price as they closely meet the breed standards. Cats in this class should ideally be purchased around the age of 9-10 months, when the chances of hidden defects surfacing are minimal.

Pet class cats make excellent domestic pets; they may exhibit minor deviations in appearance which makes them less suitable for breeding or shows, but their active and healthy nature ensures they’ll be your loyal companions, bringing joy and comfort to your home.

The breed class, on the other hand, is most attractive for those who plan to breed Russian Blue cats. These cats might have minor differences from the show class, such as slight variations in coat color, but they are still capable of breeding high-class Russian Blue kittens. These minor non-conforming traits can often be minimized through careful selection of breeding partners. Intriguingly, cats, unlike other animals, can produce offspring that surpass their own characteristics, making the breed class a preferred choice for breeding enthusiasts

How to choose a Russian Blue breeder

When it comes to selecting a Russian Blue kitten, it’s crucial to exercise caution as these are valuable animals. The most significant factor is choosing the right breeder.


Remember, a trustworthy breeder is transparent and candid. They will willingly provide exhaustive information about:

  • the health of the animal;

  • genetic diseases;

  • care needs;

  • temperament.


They’ll educate you about the pros and cons of owning a Russian Blue and recommend you to familiarize yourself with the chosen kitten in-depth.

Before committing to a purchase from a specific breeder, it’s advised to:

  • Visit their cattery: A well-maintained, clean environment is a sign of a reputable breeder. Red flags include unhygienic conditions and isolated cats.

  • Meet the resident Russian Blues: The breed’s characteristically open, affectionate nature should be evident in their cats. Any hesitance from the cats to interact could indicate problems.

  • Inquire about the cats’ health: Given the considerable investment, you are entitled to detailed information about your potential pet’s health and its lineage.

  • Verify documentation: Request for relevant documents like the breeding license, pedigree, veterinary passport, and certificates of titles. Check for any restrictions marked against the kitten for breeding, which can lead to serious genetic issues.

Tips for buying a Russian Blue Kitten
  1. It’s important to remember that a purebred Russian Blue kitten should not be bought too young. Reputable breeders sell kittens when they are about 3-4 months old, a time when their breeding potential is more discernable.

  2. Purchasing a Russian Blue kitten remotely is not advisable. It’s best to personally visit, observe, and interact with the kitten. During the inspection, check for any deviations from the breed standard, potential defects, and general behavior.

  3. When making a purchase, ensure that you receive a passport, and if agreed upon, a pedigree. Scrutinize these documents for any inaccuracies.

  4. An official purchase agreement is essential, outlining the price, return policy, mating conditions, and other significant details.

  5. As much as buyers are meticulous about choosing a Russian Blue, good breeders are also selective about their kittens’ future owners. Breeding Russian Blues involves commitment, patience, and a considerable investment of time and resources.

If you are genuinely passionate and ready to take this responsibility, then consider our cattery, Via Emilia, in Amsterdam. We are committed to ensuring our Russian Blues are placed in reliable, loving hands.

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